The days when a woman experiences her monthly menstrual cycle are some of the most painful and uncomfortable days of her life. This is due to the period cramps that they experience whose effects can range from mild unpleasantness to excruciating pain. Oftentimes, they can occur sideby-side with secondary symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, mood swings, lethargy and bloating. Not every woman experiences period cramps in the same intensity, but many often experience them in such severity that it hinders their ability to perform daily tasks.
A 2018 study done on 600 adolescent girls from Delhi found that 40% of them would skip school during their periods and 65% of them reported that the pain affected their ability to do any tasks at school, including giving tests.
Period cramps are caused when the uterus contracts itself in order to dispel the shedding of the uterine wall and blood out of the vagina. Changes in the hormone levels in your body, especially prostaglandins, cause these contractions. While the pain is commonly localised to the lower abdominal area, it can also occur in the lower back, upper thighs and groin area.
If you’re experiencing period cramps, then scroll down further and look at the list of home remedies we’ve curated that will help you experience some pain relief:
Over-the-counter (OTC) Drugs
The most common remedy for period cramps or heavy menstrual bleeding is to take analgesics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which can be available to you at your nearest pharmacy. If not available or if the pain is too intense for you to step out of your house, then you can use Instamed’s app or website to order any common OTC painkiller like:
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A study in 2018 done on people with primary dysmenorrhea (the medical term for menstrual cramps) found that heat patches had a better effect on relieving period pain for women as compared to painkillers like ibuprofen. Moreover, it is a safer form of pain relief as compared to taking medication, as there are no side effects to it. Heat therapy can be applied through various methods like using a hot water bag, heat patches, heating pads, taking a warm shower or placing a warm towel on the affected areas.
Note: Be cautious of the temperature when using this method, as there is a risk of causing a first degree burn if you place a heating pad or towel that is too hot on your skin.
Another variation of traditional heat therapy methods is massages. The friction created by the masseuse rubbing their hands against your skin generates heat and loosens the contracted muscles. Massages are a great way to relieve period cramps. Additionally, aromatherapy is also proven to help and some of the essential oils recommended include lavender, rosemary, peppermint, cinnamon and sage.
An alternative is trying acupuncture therapy, wherein a specialist takes thin needles and inserts them in specific points of your body that run along what are considered to be energy lines. In doing so, the needles help in reducing inflammation as well as release endorphins which will take some of your stress away.
Omega-3 fatty acids that are found in flaxseeds, fatty fish or walnuts contain antioxidants and nutrients that reduce inflammation in your body, similar to what Ibuprofen does. Other antiinflammatory foods include fruits and vegetables, fennel seeds, ginger and herbal remedies like chamomile tea. Including foods high in calcium and magnesium, such as nuts, dairy, and leafy greens, can also be helpful because these minerals aid in the relaxation of muscles and the relief of cramps.
If bloating-related discomfort is a common symptom accompanying period cramps for you, then it is recommended that you stay away from water-retaining foods like caffeine, fatty or salty foods and alcoholic beverages. However, you can have non-caffeinated drinks like herbal teas and warm water because staying hydrated can also reduce the intensity of period cramps.
This may seem like a very difficult task to do when you are balled up in pain, but it is proven that regular exercise helps in alleviating period cramps. Engaging in light aerobic exercises like yoga can be very useful as they improve blood flow and release endorphins that help with pain alleviation. It was discovered that menstrual cramps might be considerably relieved with just one 60-minute yoga session each week for a period of 12 weeks.
Recommended asanas include Baddha Konansana, Janu Sirsasana, Upavistha Konasana, Paschimmottanasana and Supta Baddha Konasana. Alternatively, if you don’t feel like stretching, then you can try Pilates or brisk walking for just 30 minutes per day during the first three days of your cycle instead.
Common self-care habits like soaking in a hot tub bath are also proven pain relievers. A soothing hot bath is also a great method to give your back, abdominal, and pelvic muscles the warmth they require to unwind.
Pro tip: to increase the pain relief effects of soaking in a tub, you can add essential oils like lavender or rose, mix it with a carrier oil and add it to your bathwater. Similarly, you can add Epsom salts to help alleviate some of the stress and pain.
While we’ve listed several methods you can try out to ease your period cramp, it is important to know when to seek out medical advice. If you experience bleeding or increasingly worsening pain that isn’t going away with medication, then you should consult a doctor as that may be a sign of an underlying disease.
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